Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Public Diplomacy?

Recently it was reported that the administration was seeking 300 million dollars for the purpose of creating a "Public Diplomacy" campaign (a euphamism for Propaganda) to "educate" a suspicious Middle Eastern public about U.S. efforts to bring them Democracy. However, ever since Ronald Reagan's illegal propaganda effort run by Ollie North and Otto Reich in the White House I have been wary of the Republicans affinity to use propaganda to influence American opinion and this new propaganda effort sounds more for U.S. public consumption than for Middle East consumption. The real result would be "blow-back", where we the American public would get back our own message, fed back to us from abroad.
What the administration might try instead is to shuck its arrogance and develop a good international policy. So far the thrust of U.S. International policy has relied on intimidation and coercion, effective maybe for the short-term but not for good long-term relations. Our do-it-alone "High Noon" attitude means we fight the bad guys by ourselves, which at this writing has resulted in 1721 GI deaths and many more wounded and over 200 billions of dollars. Our only "gain" is international skepticism and a resolve by our enemies to develop "equalizers".
The greatest tragedy, besides the casualties of war, is the lies that have been fed to the GIs in order to make them willing to fight. The truth is we are not fighting for our "Freedom" in Iraq, as Iraq did not pose a threat to the U.S. and had nothing to do with the attack on the WTC and did not pose a threat to any other country in the Middle East. Its only "support" for terrorism was money given to the families of suicide bombers who had their homes blown up by the Israelis; more of a humanitarian gesture than a terrorist one. The administration lied.
The reason we are fighting in Iraq is because of a plan drawn up years ago based on Kissinger's theories to democricize and secure oil in the region for the U.S. and its close allies. Add in a religious prophecy involving the return of Israel and you have a real conspiracy theory! The Bush administration is up to its neck in hanky-panky--the war, political favors, stiffing the middle class, etc. and, if government documents aren't "lost" may be revealed in time. The Republicans have been very adept at cover-ups--remember the Savings and Loan Scandal, Iran-Contra, Watergate, and I believe there was a lot more to the White Water investigation than we know involving trying to demonize an opposing President and party.


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