Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Third Party Anyone?

Middle-of-the-roaders like me have a tough time choosing between our two parties because it amounts to, on the one hand, choosing to vote for candidates who represent the wealthy class, religious crack-pots and abrogators of the Constitution; while on the other hand, we have those who represent the third-world's down-trodden, illegal aliens, anti-gun advocates, and who knows what else?
Some choice! (Both are taxers, so I didn't single out either party for that one)
Many of the moderates of both parties stand fairly close together on most issues, but being a large minority, are left out of the mainstream politics of their parties.
The logical thing to do, it seems to me, would be to shuck off party affiliations and join together to form a more representative party--one less controversial and one more representative of the people, one that the people could truly identify with. Until that happens it is up to the electorate to tell their parties "start representing them. or hit-the-road."
An issue that is representative of the problem of non-representation is the illegal immigration issue. Sixty percent of American are against illegal immigration and amnesty programs. Howard Dean has attempted to muddy the issue by making claims that the Republcians are "scapegoating" the "immigrants". The Republicans that are against illegal immigration, and others on the other side, are not "scapegoating" the issue as Dean claims. The problems that arise out of illegal immigration are real. We don't need more people in this country, especially those who sneak in; and "working hard" is no rationale for allowing illegal aliens to stay in this country. We don't need more poor illiterates in this counry. We can't even properly educate our own citizens let alone taking on the burden of educating Mexico's throw-aways. We don't need to "legalize" them to find out who and where they are. That is a "no-brainer" yet that is one of the arguments that the pro-illegal alien lobby uses to argue their case.
If the Democrats try to "push" their pro-illegal alien agenda they'll lose--"big-time".
On the other hand, an issue that will lose for the Republicans is their "back-door" attempts to create a "Theocracy" in America. Their attempts to do so will back-fire on them for their source of "inspiration" (The Bible) is grossly flawed. (See my website essay, "Was Jesus the Messiah" on
The religious "right" have been hanging onto the coat tails of Republican Elite (the corporate and wealthy class) who barely tolerate them, hoping that power will be delivered in their hands so that they can "save" America from sin. Talk about an "unholy alliance"--on the one hand "money is their God" and on the other "God provides the money". Its your vote--you decide.


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