How Long Are People's Attention Spans?
How long are people's attention spans? About the length of time that passes between terrorist alerts. You can be sure that the Republicans will keep the public "fluffed up" until this next election is over. Confusing the issue about supporting the war in Iraq and wars in general is the main theme to trounce the Democrats with. The Democrats are confused about the issue themselves as some are against wars for any reason; but the antiwar advocates are a small minority. Democrats over the years have been "hawkish" about war when there is good reason. Unfortunately this Republican administration gambled that they would be able to trump up "evidence" to support their reasons for going to war against Iraq--Surprise, surprise Saddam was clean; so the Administration had to come up with other justifications for the war--"The War on Terror" and to "Plant Democracy in the Middle East" seems to be the main themes. The Media seems to have bought it for little criticism about the shuffle has taken place. Why haven't the Democrats pointed out there is a difference between necessary wars and the ones that are not only unnecessary but unwinnable. The war in Iraq is unwinnable, not because we don't have the means to flatten the whole country, but because we don't have a right to be there; Saddam and ruthless dictators aside. At least Saddam kept the country united and relatively stable. We talk about all the deaths he caused--how about all the deaths and destruction we have caused? Is there an end to it in sight? The next few months should be really interesting--about as much fun as watching the scramble of rats on a sinking ship. This election there is going to be a lot of history revisions take place, fables in place of facts, scare tactics, everything except reason, honesty, and sincerity.
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