Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How To Pick Out A Dysfunctional Politician

First off I have to interpret my use of "dysfunctional politician". It has nothing to do with ability. They wouldn't be where they are without the ability to persuade, distort, appear approachable, and whatever else characteristics that makes up a politician. What I mean by dysfunctional is their inability to represent "the people". and by people I don't mean a select few people, or of small groups of people who represent corporations and special interest groups who are inclined to take advantage of the larger general populace by using whatever power and money available to them to stack the deck their way; i.e., by way of legislative loopholes and such. What I mean by dysfunctional is a consistent disregard for the welfare of the people they represent.

In some being dysfunctional that may be promoting an agenda based on philosophy or religion, or an agenda based on political ambition, "playing the game" by doing political favors for those who contribute to campaigns. You scratch by back and I'll scratch yours.

How to pick out a dysfunctional politician is primarily a matter of common sense. When a politician voices a slogan like, "Trickle down" in regard to giving money and advantages first to the wealthy so that money and jobs will move down to the the middle class and the poor,, their first concern is obviously benefiting the wealthy; for obviously there is no guarantee that wealth and jobs will move beyond the first hurdle.

The use of statistics is another flag. Recently the Republicans, one after another, quoted statistics from the Lewin Group. No other foundation affirmed the validity of the figures quoted. The Lewin Group is a partisan propaganda mill created to promote conservative issues; in my estimation at any rate. Figures don't lie, but figurers can and do. Statistics is probably the most abused branch of mathematics known to man. Both sides, Republican and Democrat, use and abuse statistics to promote their point of view. Make them "prove" their math or at least make them use a non partisan source that is competent.

Use of propaganda. I've covered propaganda in earlier blogs so I won't go into it at any length. Both side use propaganda techniques to a greater or lesser degree. Slogans, like "tax and spend", "Obama is a socialist"; fear appeals, such as, "government take over of ....", "WMDs", etc. Appeals to patriotism, fear, vanity, religion; logical fallacies etc. All are tools for the politician, despot, corporation, foreign governments. Propaganda works.

Politicians are liars. Sometimes I wonder if they aren't sociopathic. Determine to the best of your ability if a politician lies. That's hard to do, but not impossible. Use your best non-partisan common sense. The more "positive" the statement the more likely it is distorted or wrong.

Check out who contributes to their campaigns and how much. Again common sense rules. If they have a large number of corporate donators it is doubtful they will side with the voters in contesting legislation.

If you want someone to represent you insist on being represented or vote for someone else.


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