Monday, July 18, 2011

The World According to the Republicans

Social Security, Medicare, Medicad, taxes, regulations, gays, democrats and liberals do not exist.  The world is Utopian.  The U.S. has the mightiest military on earth and there is no lack of oil, coal, and nuclear energy.  Taxes on the rich is non-existent; only those of the middle class and lower have to pay the necessary taxes to keep the military and commerce running.  Wages are low, no minimum wage, and there are no longer unions to represent the working class.  Business only, is represented by Congress and the Presidency.  There are no more abortions; for any reason whatsoever.  Fundamentalism provides social and moral guidance to the populace.  If it isn't sanctioned by religion it is outlawed by legal decree.  The government is a strong theocracy.  Liberals are scorned and whipped in the streets.  No more environmental or OSHA protections.  No global warming regulations. Lawsuits against corporations are limited to small clailms. 
I could go on but you get the picture.  Pretty bleak; but the way things are going, trending, a likely truth.
With corporations controlling the message by using propaganda (advertising) against us, and buying our representatives, it will take some catestrophic event to wake up the public to what is going on.  As it is, there are voices in the wilderness crying out warnings but very few are listening. 


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