Democrats and National Security
Does anyone really think that the Democrats would develop a policy that would leave the United States vulnerable to attack from terrorists and rogue nations? The whole idea is pure political propaganda put out by Conservative spinmeisters and is absurd. What the Democrats are really saying is that they don't believe in wholesale give-a-ways to the Arms Industry and others, such as Halliburton, so that they can make billions of dollars from questionable government contracts.
The way to dispel such myths is to confront those stating such balderdash, in debates and print.
The Democrats in truth have had a good history of arming and protecting this country and to state that they are weak on national security is false.
The myth may have it roots in the fact that Liberals are more willing to use diplomacy over war, more likely to engage complex issues. The Conservatives on the other hand are more simplistic, less likely to use diplomacy. Conservatives are paranoiacs and tend to "obsess" about potentially dangerous "conspiracies", such as they believed about Saddam Hussein, all the while overlooking real dangers, such as China--which leads to another point--U.S. hypocricy about communism. We spent trillions of dollars over the years battling Soviet communism and are now engaging in an about-face, giving away the "farm", so-to-speak, to communist China; by buying hundreds of billions of dollars of goods from them and making communism a successs. In fact, if I remember correctly, their economy outstripped our own last year. What it all boils down to is the "Almighty Dollar"; Amen.
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