Republican Double Standard
The present rule of behavior is that a Republican can do bad deeds but the Democrats can't. There exists a striking double standard, that Democrats must behave under stricter rules of ethics than Republicans.
Republicans, for instance, can lie with impunity but Democrats can't even appear to be lying. When Clinton lied about having an "affair" with Monica Lewinsky that was elevated to "obstruction justice" and a high crime. He didn't have "sex" he claimed.
Sounds very much like the excuse Karl Rove is using of not "naming" Valerie Plame, yet made it plain who she was; saying she worked for the CIA, yet not mentioning that she was a deep cover operative. Then too Democrats can't make claims that Rove engaged in "wrong doing", because that would be engaging in "dirty politics".
Clinton was investigated (hounded more like it) for eight years, at a cost of 50 million dollars, for what the Republicans hoped was fraud--G. W. Bush sold stock for over $800,000, just before the stock tanked because the company had big losses; Bush was in a position to know the company's financial status; on top of that he failed to report the sale to the SEC for many months--a no-no. No investigation done, no charges made.
Hillary Clinton made a statement that G.W. Bush's handling of the government was like Mad Magazine's "What Me Worry" line--to the Republicans that is unfair and "name calling". Democrats can't engage in name calling, but it is O.K. to call John F. Kerry a "flip-flopper", complete with shower shoes.
There are many other examples of using the "double-standard" by Republicans; it is a major part of their strategy to deligitimize the Democrats. The Republicans are more than quick to point out possible Democrat strategies, which in many cases is the legitimate action of pointing out Republican unethical tactics and misdeeds.
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