The Valerie Plame Case
Already the strategy of denial is shaping up--"I didn't say her name and I didn't know she was a "deep cover" agent--so I'm innocent of wrong doing."
That Karl Rove is not the only one involved can be logically deduced from the writings of Bob Novak and the actions of Judith Miller, now being incarcerated for refusing to reveal her source. If it had been only Karl Rove he would have likely have given her a waiver as well.
The fact that no one came forward immediately after the brouhaha started, about the "outing" of a CIA operative, is significant and revealing.
If it had been an "innocent" mistake, in order to clarify the reasons for Joe Wilsons going to Niger, as Rove would have everyone believe, the person, or persons, responsible would have copped to it and admitted to an inadvertent and "innocent" mistake--no real harm done.
Instead an investigation to ferret out the perpetrators has gone on for two years. Everyone signed a waiver to the Press but no reporters came forward--so much for waivers; they aren't worth the paper they are printed on; but in this case serve the purpose of pointing out that those engaged in "outing" a CIA agent are in fact guilty of a crime, at least to the extent of obstructing justice. Maybe it will come to to defining the word "is"?
However, this is more than just an issue about "outing" a valuable CIA asset, but is about the abuse of power.
The "outing" is a vindictive act, but the act goes beyond pettiness to a more serious issue, that of trying to cover up the falsehoods being used to justify a war. The public was lied to, the Congress was lied to, the UN was lied to, the World was lied to.
That lies were being told is obvious. The U.S. has at is disposal huge resources to gather, analyze, and disseminate information. It is not believable that the CIA, with all its resources, got it wrong--that the CIA may have "cooked" intelligence for the administration, to justify a war, is more believable. It has happened before--remember Nicaragua? The CIA has been the "cats-paw for more than one administration--both Democrat and Republican.
The American people had better wake up to the fact that our government is no longer accountable to the people for what it does. There are no longer checks and balances , no oversight that works, and our legislators only appear to listen during election time.
Maybe a campaign to get rid of them all, no matter what the party, would send a message--represent the people, not irresponsible special interests--We the People are the "Special" interests.
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