Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Investigating the War in Iraq

The Democrats finally have some impetus towards getting some real answers as to why and how we went to war in Iraq. Everyone has been dragging their feet about getting anything done. Any hack investigator could find the answers in a matter of a few months. You don't need every t crossed and i dotted. All an investigator would have to do is go over the new casts of the speeches given by the administration where they were making claims as to how Saddam had WMDs and why it was necessary to go to war--then ask them what "proofs" they had to merit conclusions they made. Simple questions, simple answers. I wrote an article for the Nation magazine about the admininstrations use of propaganda to push for war and how the "facts" they were using didn't make sense--this was before they went to war. The Nation magazine didn't buy it but the fact is someone knew, me, that something was wrong. I wrote to the media, John Kerry, the DNC about how the facts being given were bogus, but no one picked up on it. So, if I could make a deduction based on basic knowledge of physics, events, etc. that there was no case for war why has it taken so long for the media, our representatives etc. to come to the conclusion that there should be an investigation? The methodology of examination is simple--just ask the administration what intelligence were they using to justify a war? It seems to me that the CIA is being used as a scapegoat by the administration because the administration was using their own intelligence people to come up with "intelligence" to make the case for war. I'll bet a fiver that the majority of CIA analysts were opting for caution in the matter and were being pressured by the administration to come up with evidence of nukes etc. and that it was a political conclusion by the CIA rather than an intelligence conclusion. I will make this prediction--if a real investigation takes place--that it will be found that the administration manipulated, propagandized, manufactured intelligence, to make a case for war and that they did not have solid verifieable intelligence to make a case for war. That their real agenda was a grand plan to democracize the region and secure oil reserves, and break Saudi Arabia's control over oil. What else they had in mind is locked up in their files but it is a grand scheme that backfired on them.


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