Monday, August 01, 2005

U.S. Troop Withdrawal From Iraq

The PLAN by the Generals in Iraq is to let the Iraqis take over control of less troublesome areas and let the U.S. troops do the heavy lifting in the more troublesome areas like the Sunni Triangle etc. (That term reminds me of the Iron Triangle, Vietnam)
On the surface it seems to be a good plan but since measures I mentioned in a recent blog, "Rx For Iraq" will not be in place--identification and travel restrictions--the bad guys will just move to the Iraqi controlled areas and continue to wreak havoc. The U.S. is then back to square one.
A troop increase is first necessary to establish security and control; once established, hopes are that troop withdrawals can take place.
Again the administration is depending on rhetoric, not action, to pull chestnuts out of the fire. The Generals were careful to "hedge" their withdrawal plans by stating the usual "if's". The Generals ought to know this guerrilla war could go on indefinitely; like it has in Palestine.
Of course this administration has great confidence in propaganda--or Public Diplomacy, as they call it--since they were able to win reelection using it; and so far have kept near half the U.S. population "mesmerized" using it. It doesn't play abroad however. Our simplistic evaluations of the Arab psyche will lead us into some major faux pas and ultimately to hostile Arab/Muslim reactions. Now that Bush has appointed John Bolton as U.N. Ambassador there is bound to be more ill will than diplomacy in that body for quite some time.


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