Monday, November 14, 2005

Iraq: Believe, Not Facts

The U.S. administration is up to its old tricks of using propaganda to persuade rather than admitting that it was wrong in starting a war with Iraq. Its main argument is trying to paint the Democrats with the same brush; i.e., the you too argument that the Dems had the "same" intelligence that they had. Not true, but what they are trying to cover up is that they "believed" that Saddam had WMDs and thus was a threat. Do we go to war now because of "belief". The UN inspectors were in Iraq for three months and trying to stay in an effort to find the supposed WMDs--Bush then warned them out of Iraq so that he could begin his war. The question is--"who is reinventing history?" The Dems or the Administration. Belief is not facts, obviously, yet the Administration keeps trying to push belief as a reason for war. Obviously they were wrong and the American people are paying a big price for someone's belief.


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