Saturday, January 21, 2006

Catholic Church and the Border Issue

The Catholic Church is arguing that the reason it is interjecting itself into U.S. politics is because of "human rights" transgressions by the U.S. and that it is practicing its First Amendment Rights when it does so, that it is not interferring with the "political " process.
Everyone has the right to speak out on issues, that is what Democracy is all about, but their "human rights" argument doesn't hold water and I don't know of any other churches that have ambassadors to the UN.
The question is, how is the U.S. transgressing human rights by enforcing existing well-known immigration laws? Aliens to this country who enter it by sneaking across our borders know they are taking a chance that they will be discovered and deported and that they are breaking our laws when they do so. They what the consequences of that will be. Actually the consequences are slight; they do not have to spend time in jail, or are beaten, or abused physically and mentally by the "system". Where then is the abuse?
The reactions to the border enforcement issue clearly shows who the activist groups and individuals are: who have been working behind the scenes for many years to promote an illegal "invasion" of this country. They are now showing their true colors as their hysterical arguments are being aired out in the open.
There is no civil rights abuse issue here--aliens take their chances by breaking our laws, and their illegal entry does not obligate us, the American People, to change our laws to single them out for special treatment. If I choose to stick my finger in a fire I can't blame the person who made the fire for my actions. So too Americans can't be blamed if some "harm" is done because of someone else's deliberate and illegal actions.


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