Is It Torture?
Just a tool to save American lives? Are CIA "professionals" just another name for government sadists? As usual Bush is trying to head debate off at the "pass" and get his way. To my way of thinking it is just another nail in the Fascist coffin that this administration is trying to bury. But is it torture, or in the words of the 3rd Article of the Geneva Convention an "outrage on human dignity". Lets have a test. Let the CIA grab Bush and put him through the program, and a few other ardent supporters of his, and then let them decide whether or not they would be willing to let other countries put our captured troops through the same treatment. After all other countries would have the same arguments we have, that their citizens might be saved if information was gleamed from us. The "saved lives" argument applies in most military operations as captured soldiers might have knowledge of on-going operations; and knowing that information could prevent casualties. So the "sniff" test is, would it be called torture by us if our troops were treated similarly? I don't hear the media asking that question of Bush or his propagandists.
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