Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sharpen Up the Ol' Guillontine

Disclaimer: I am not advocating in any way that our Representatives should be gathered up and have their heads lopped off by that old standby, the guillotine, to redress decades of wrong done to the Middle Class and other lower classes. I belong to these non-elite classes and have watched while our Representatives have used bait-and-switch to gain power, sell out our interests to the more powerful, namely moneyed elites and corporate interests; or any organizations that would further their stay in power. We can squawk all we want but the only response we get is an arrogant dismissal or some elaborate answer that confuses rather than clarifies and upon examination does not support their position. Take "comprehensive immigration"; past and present.

We were promised by the Reagan administration that their amnesty solution would "solve" our illegal immigration problem--bring out the illegals into the light, strengthen border and employer enforcement. From 1.5 million illegals estimated we got 3 million plus; and now we have 12 to 20 million estimated to be residing and working in the U.S. The one enforcement program e-verify, said to be 99.6% effective is heading for its demise because our Representatives find it too effective; i.e. employers can't use the excuse that they didn't have a means of determining legal status of their workers. The American worker and citizen is being sold out, watching his her jobs disappear overseas, being layed-off by the millions, down-sized for corporate profits.

This economic disaster was predicted and predictable. Every time a Republican administration was elected economic hanky-panky was the result. The only answer the Republicans have for solving the economic mess now is: give money to the banks, without any plans or accountability of how the funds would be used, and the usual tax cuts for the elites; big business and the wealthy.

Add another bout of high gas prices sometime in the near future and our bleak future will be chaos and mayhem. Our need for alternative energy sources is obvious, yet moneyed interests still trump the interests of the public. The picture of a "rabble" roused comes to my mind as I watch the news and the cable commentators who still do not seem to get the picture.



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