Economic Bail Out--Haven't We Been Here Before?
It seems we don't learn much from past experience; such as the Savings and Loan fiasco of the 1980's. It isn't an example that is exactly the same but it is close enough to illustrate where "out of control Capitalism" leads to; which this administration has been embracing wholeheartedly during its reign.
Now it seems we are trying to add insult to injury, by making a bail-out of an undisclosed number of banks and other lending institutions with the hope that money will trickle down to the people and save us from a great depression.
The Administration's belief that Iraq had WMD's should illustrate what "beliefs" and bad leadership bring us.
A great majority of the people apparently don't want this proposed bail-out but apparently the people, as usual, are being ignored in favor of the "Fat Cats" wishes. Government by the People, for the People? Not likely.
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