Thursday, July 17, 2008

Al Gore's Energy Plan

There they go again--mixing apples and oranges. You can't pour electricity into a gasoline tank. T. Boone Pickens and Al Gore and many others are confusing electricity consumption with gasoline consumption. They just don't get it; there is a difference and solving one doesn't necessarily solve the other. There is an other danger to the world besides global warming and damage to the environment and it is the sudden impact on us when oil becomes scarce and we can no longer sustain a technological society world wide. The environment and oil scarcity are two different issues, oil scarcity being more immediate and dangerous a problem, as well as being "easier" to remedy.
Some of the solutions to one also help solve problems in the other, but putting up wind turbines doesn't find more oil. It may reduce the constructing of more coal electric generating plants, which helps to reduce carbon production. Reducing carbon emissions however does little in finding more oil. People need to pay attention to whats being proposed.
Drilling exploratory wells are just that, exploratory. Drilling for oil does not necessarily mean that oil will be found, or that lots of oil will be found, or that the oil found will be "sweet".
Much has been made of Brazil's discovery of 1 billion barrels of oil. At today's prices thats a lot of money for whoever produces it but when you realize that the U.S. uses up over 7 billion barrels of oil a year and that it is someone else's find then reality sinks in. It doesn't do us much good.
Solving the energy problem is just a matter of technology and economics, relatively straight forward; but when mixed with human emotion and prejudice almost impossible to solve.
The solutions now being presented are almost entirely due to prejudice, and worthless.
If electricity generation is part of the mix, toward reducing our oil consumption, then electric cars and other vehicles would have to be also part of the solution; and so far they are not being mentioned as part of the solution package. What is being put forth as a solution to our energy crises illustrates not only prejudice, but also gross ignorance. Not knowing that a person cannot substitute electricity for oil is gross ignorance and even stupidity. What is more amazing is that the media, in all its professed wisdom on many issues, has not pointed out the discrepancy.



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