Illegal Aliens--Bring 'em Out Into The Light
Barack Obama said, in an NALEO meeting, that borders should be controlled, illegal employers should be dealt with regarding "exploiting" illegal aliens, and that 12 million illegal aliens must be brought out into the light so that a pathway to legalization and citizenship could be created.
Virtually the same was said in 1986, which allowed 3 million illegal aliens, out of an then estimated 1.5 million, to be "legalized"; which only encouraged 12 million, maybe double that, to swarm over our borders after 1986.
Bringing illegal alien lawbreakers out of the shadows and into the light is a bogus argument--why not bring robbers, muggers, forgers, rapists, killers out into the light and make them pay fines and promise not break laws again? Why arrest them if their families were to suffer hardships? We now arrest people without hesitation if they use false IDs and false social security numbers in the work place; except of course if they are illegal aliens, it then becomes a "humanitarian" question. The enforcement of laws is now based on a double standard; laws apply to citizens and not to illegal aliens.
Allowing illegal aliens to become citizens is not beneficial to the average American. Anyone proposing and engaged in implementing such a program is working against the average American. How? Allowing 12 to 20 million illegal aliens legality and citizenship creates an economic and social burden on the population. Illegal aliens are generally uneducated and unskilled, in poorer health than the rest of the population, do not speak English well, becomes a tax burden rather than a tax payer, shifts political power that benefits them and not necessarily of a benefit to the general population, creates partisan organizations (that does not benefit the general population), drains public funds and services, creates ghettos, gangs, and crime, and the precedent creates a form of anarchy and disrespect for our laws and social institutions.
The greatest threat by legalizing and incorporation of the illegal aliens is the unscrupulous pandering by the political parties to gain and grow political power to the detriment of the general population. No one has challenged "Comprehensive Immigration" effectively. Valid studies on the subject are dismissed and trivialized, and any studies done are partisan, mostly in favor of Comprehensive Immigration or Amnesty.
Amnesty, from Amnesia, means to "forget"--not forgive. Amnesty given to criminals in the past usually meant that some act by the criminal had to be done before his crimes were "forgot" or put aside. Proponents of the Comprehensive Immigration issue try to say their plan does not involve amnesty because a fine and other requirements must be met means that it is not amnesty. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck. As soon as the illegal alien applies for legalization he is then "legal" in the eyes of the law. The illegal alien will not pay a stiff fine and learn English before he becomes legal, so the idea that amnesty is not given is bogus. In other words the act of applying and his being known means he/she becomes legal and obtains amnesty. Furthermore the government is not going to follow up on the fine and learning English requirements because funding will just disappear and it will be dropped. All the politicians want is the Latino vote. Simple as that. Oh yeah, employers want cheap compliant labor.
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