The Dem Texas Debate--What a Bunch of B.S.
I kept looking for the "beef", which was notably absent. Generalities, generalities, and more generalities. It all sounded good, with all the requisite emotional appeals and "buzz" words. Is the public being "duped"; you bet it is--like an audience watching a couple of magicians doing their stuff. And illegal immigration? Now if anyone was seeing what was really going on they would see why nothing has been done over the years to stem the flow of illegal aliens over our borders. Both voted for a fence at the border and now both are saying they will not build a fence--oh yeah, cameras anyone? I haven't seen a camera catch a single illegal alien. They have been good at showing scores of illegals scampering from Mexico to the U.S., like cockroaches scampering across a kitchen floor when the lights were turned on, but by the time the border patrol could respond the illegal aliens would be miles away and well hidden. There were abundant emotional appeals; like all those abandoned "babies" because their parents had been deported. Then there was mention of the Brownsville University losing part of its campus to "the nasty old border fence". Comprehensive Immigration Reform, according to Hillary and Obama, means no enforcement, no immigration constraints at all, no change in past and present policy. If any of these clowns are elected we will deserve the chaos that will follow. None of the "candidate wannabes" are capable of making sound decisions--their expertise is in verbal slight-of-hand. Yes, they are playing a bunch of dupes. I predict that the political honeymoon with Congress and the People will last less than a year; for their incompetence will show up in short order. Ideologues lack intellectual depth, which is a necessity when confronted with problems outside one's expertise. Obama and Hillary are lawyers, a profession whose purpose is to present a point of view not related to reality and one that the listener should adopt. McCain is the professional hero; a super patriot who is still fighting the Viet Nam war, and one who is prepared and ready to fight the next war, which happens to be going on now; and according to him will last for the next 100 years. some choice.
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