Thursday, February 07, 2008

Something Wrong With John McCain?

When I listen to John McCain give speeches or in general discourse I get a feeling that there is something wrong with the man. I remember how he got a "religious conversion" when he became one of the Keating Five, how he campaigned for campaign finance reform after being found out. His continuous use of "my friends" as he addresses the public sounds too pandering and gimmicky, which indicates a deep dishonesty--in my opinion. His rigidity is exceeded or met by one individual, who has turned out to be one of the worst Presidents ever, in my remembrance, President GW Bush. That McCain embraces GW's policies and philosophy of governance is doubly troubling. One hundred years in Iraq? The oil will have run out long before that time, in Iraq as well as in Saudi Arabia; so what is the point? McCain embraces extreme and radical Conservatism--the economic philosophy which encourages and implements run-a-way Capitalism. He uses weasel words and sentences to circumvent issues which the Public holds too--such as no Amnesty for illegal aliens. His "border first" is a dodge, for he will pay lip service to enforcing the border, do nothing about employer enforcement, and slip in Amnesty for 12 t 20 million illegal aliens after a time and pronouncement that border enforcement has been achieved; and after the Public has lost interest in the issue. The reason I believe this is because he has not said explicitly how he would enforce the existing laws now on the books. He said that the public wanted border control, and left out the rest, such as "no Amnesty" for illegal aliens; which to my mind means that he is deliberately avoiding that part of the issue. By his past actions and his present handling of issues I have to question his honesty and character. I have to ask who are his major moneyed contributors? He supports tax cuts for the most wealthy of Americans. How does the tax cuts help the average American? When we vote we should keep this in mind.
We are not really changing anything if we vote for McCain--more war in the Middle East, intransigence in foreign policy, more Corporate welfare, environmental threats to such places as ANWR, etc.


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