Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Politicians--Trying To Serve Two Masters

Politicians now vying for Candidacy for Presidential are; out of one side of their mouths claim that they will "represent" those of the Middle Class and, on the other side of their mouths, support "comprehensive immigration reform": a euphemism for amnesty of millions of illegal aliens now in the U.S., and for millions more who will be encouraged to enter the U.S. in years to come.
They cannot serve two masters at the same time for to do so will destabilize our society, as well as our institutions, such as Social Security and Medicare, and our relatively homogeneous American culture. Even now the traveler can see a breakdown of American culture and the Latinization occurring in the Southwest and Middle America. That would not really be a problem except for the fact that these new members of our society, legal or otherwise, are becoming radicalized and seeking political power for other than beneficial reasons. Raza comes to mind--racial aspirations perhaps, to the detriment of the larger mix. Hostility towards the greater culture is very open.
Our politicians must make a choice--represent us--or them; they cannot serve both.



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