Thursday, November 15, 2007

Upcoming November 15 Debate

Tonight there will be a "debate", which hopefully will clarify what each of the hopefuls stand for about social security, U.S. sovereignty, Iraq war, and amnesty for illegal aliens. They will muddy up the waters about the subjects as much as possible is my guess. Some questions about the subject I would like Wolf Blitzer to ask them:

Is illegal immigration a matter of U.S. sovereignty and National Security?
Do you believe that securing the U.S. border and enforcing the laws against illegal hiring of illegal aliens is the first and most important steps to take to solve the illegal immigration issue?
Do you believe the last question is the most important part of "comprehensive immigration legislation"?
If not what is the most important part of "comprehensive immigration" and how is it different than the legislation enacted in 1986?
Why did the 1986 immigration legislation fail?
Do you believe that employers who have been hiring illegal aliens should be granted immunity and if so what precedent in our legal system assures employers such immunity?
Should illegal aliens who have been obtaining and using false identity papers be given immunity?
What is your position on immigration in general: i.e., do you believe that there should be quotas or not, that allowing large numbers of particular ethnic groups causes problems of assimilation?
Do you believe an impact study should be made about the amnesty proposal before legislation is considered?
How much would it cost to implement that part of the comprehensive immigration plan regarding back taxes, background checks, and fines?
Why should illegal aliens be put in line for citizenship when other aliens following immigration rules not be put in the line for citizenship?
What would the long-term cost be for the program if "comprehensive immigration legislation" is passed?
Would you follow the "will of the people" regarding immigration or forge ahead as the congressional Democrats have been doing trying to enact amnesty?

The Democrats and some Republicans shy away from discussing the particulars and fine points of the proposed amnesty legislation. They "card stack" by discussing only those particulars that seem favorable to the People. The Devil is in the Details as is sometimes said.



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