Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Jena 6 Controversy

Give Sharpton a soap-box and he'll stand on it and expound endlessly. What has gotten me fired up about the issue is Blacks equating a physical assault with a threat; i.e. sucker punching and rendering someone unconscious, then kicking him repeatedly in the head as he lay on the ground-- with placing a noose in a tree--both acts separated by a months time.
Granted Blacks have a sensitivity to such symbols as nooses in trees, and in some cases the nooses represent real threats, but a real threat is doubtful in this case, being placed there presumably by teenagers. I would infer that the Blacks are expounding on the issue for political reasons, exaggerating the "facts" and generally propagandizing; finding gaping wounds where minor scratches exist.
Unfortunately you are considered a "racist" if you try to point out the fallacies in their arguments. The media has gotten into the act as well in their coverage on racial issues. Nothing blatant but they cover issues, that might be normal human issues, as racial issues. Nothing explicit, but implicit, creating racial discord where none is apparent. People are normally prejudiced--male versus female, nationality versus nationality, short versus tall, skinny versus fat--you name it there is bound to be some prejudice in people's minds. Stereotypes, cliches, and other ideas shape our views of ourselves and others. Beating people over the head for having biases and prejudices is fruitless--that is the way people are made. We are emotional and not rational beings. That is why we have political parties, countries, religions and the like. All we can do is keep it all down to a low roar.



At October 16, 2007 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharpton didn't show up at the hearing.


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