Lady Justice and Illegal Immigration
Ever notice at U.S. courthouses that there are statues representing justice a gowned blindfolded woman holding a balance scale? This is supposed to represent American justice, that justice is blind to undue influence and the scale she holds represents the weighing of the evidence in a fair and just manner. Some proponents of amnesty for illegal aliens would have us pick and choose who would stay or go based on sob stories, emotional appeals, and the like. Rick Sanchez of CNN has based a propaganda campaign based on such emotional appeals; parading before the cameras those persons with "touching" tales of potential hardships, which might happen if immigration law were enforced. Rich Sanchez's argument seems to be that immigration law is unenforceable because of the hardships brought about by enforcing immigration laws. Enforcement would then be based on the degree of hardship brought about by enforcement.
Injustice is then the fault of law enforcement, that the hardships are the result of following the law. If we were to follow this logic bank robbers would be freed on the basis that their children would suffer if the bank robber would be put in jail for years and years. Sentences would be passed out on the basis of inconvenience to those breaking the law.
So far proponents for amnesty have tried stifle opposition by labeling their opponents as racists, cruel and unfeeling, bigots and the like; either directly or by innuendo. Arguments made by proponents of amnesty have been nothing more than propaganda ploys; high on emotion and low on valid "facts". The facts of the case are we have 12 to 20 million aliens in this country illegally, trying to shape immigration policy, trying to make a travesty of our justice system, and corrupting our political system. They are doing harm to our society; economically, socially, legally, and politically. As humans we can sympathize with other persons plights but at some point we must look out after our own interests. Now is that time.
Labels: immigration
I dissagree. I think his point was that we have 12-20 million illegals in this country. They work for American companies (small and large) who pay them peanuts, give them no sick days, vaction days, etc. This is one of the reasons you don't have to pay $3 for an apple.
Sure you can get American workers to do the job. You better triple their pay, give them health insurance, vacation, family leave time, etc.
The fact is that it is ignorant to say... "ahuh ahuh. I reckon we need to send back everyone of those filthy rednecks! They broke the law! They are criminals!" Give me a break, will ya?
Did the Germans, Itallians, Polish, that came in the 1880s come with papers? The term "WOP" refers to "With out papers." These people came here, worked their ass off, and became part of the American fabric. ...and it didn't happen overnight.
Sanche's point was that the Federal government is doing nothing about fixing the system, and that there are hundreds of thousands of "illegal imigrants" who came over for a better way of life who have jobs, their kids go to school, they pay their taxes, and have never had a problem with the law. Is there a way for these people to stay? If so, what would they have to do? Pay back taxes, pay a fine, stay out of trouble? There needs to be an answer. It's not a simple problem.
The racist view of kicking everyone out is Un-American. Like I said, don't tell me your forefathers all had their papers in hand when they came over.
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