Illegal Aliens--A Cheeky Bunch
As I've probably written and said before Illegal aliens residing in this country expect the U.S. government to give them legality and even citizenship just because they feel coming here and working is sufficient grounds for them to receive such treatment. Their slogan, "Immigration Reform" is nothing more than a euphemism for amnesty.
The main reason I am against amnesty is because it would set a double precedent (1986 and the present amnesty); you might as well open our borders, throw away immigration laws, passports and visas, and anything else related to immigration control and sovereignty. Our country would be wide open to illegal immigration; people would be coming over our borders like never before, all because we give out citizenship on the basis of entry alone. If the American people want a nightmare, worse than the movie "Halloween", go along with the impending amnesty about to be perpetrated.
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