Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Desperately Looking For a Presidential Candidate

I'm unabashedly an Independent with leanings toward conservatism regarding the Nation's sovereignty on the one hand and towards the liberal side when it comes to labor. None of the presidential candidates reaches muster as far as I'm concerned. Guiliani is too slick and too liberal in areas such as gun control to suit me. He might have some ethics and moral issues not yet resolved. Hillary is too well connected to corporations and other special interests to suit me; and her belief that the U.S. should be a good Samaritan when it comes to illegal aliens in this country bothers me. When someone touts their credentials about national defense on the one hand and then is willing to give over U.S. sovereignty to our neighbors to the south on the other hand does not inspire faith in her judgment. Her husband was instrumental in passing NAFTA; which turned out to be a fiasco. I think she should get more scrutiny and some hard questions. Obama is an eloquent speaker but his comment about being an advocate for illegal aliens, in their quest for citizenship, makes me wonder if he is at all jealous about this country's sovereignty.
Mitt Romney shows some balance between the two extremes: but, he still has to open up. He certainly seems capable of getting things done.
What we don't need is a one party government like the one we just had. There needs to be oversight, and checks and balances. Another thing we need is term limits. A democracy should not be run by professional politicians--like Ted Kennedy. Corruption happens, especially when a person holds power for long periods of time. Too much of government time is spent campaigning. Too much money is spent getting reelected. The political parties are too obsessed with power and the interests of a few; and not in representation of all the citizens that make up this country. When this administration speaks of protecting citizens it is not speaking about the many millions that make up this country; but of the elite that it hobnobs with. The ones who are making Chaney a rich man behind the scenes. How much will his assets hidden away will grow while he is vice-president? What will his cut be from Halliburton?
I have a feeling that this next election will spell disaster for the U.S. It seems, by the continuing romance with presidential candidates who continue to propagandize, and who take huge sums of money from special interests, and who continue to make it clear they will not represent the Middle Class in this country, that we will end up with another incompetent administration.
We are faced now with some serious problems: China is growing militarily, as well as economically, Iran is developing WMDs, Iraq has turned out to be a "tar baby" we can't get unstuck from, our sovereignty is a joke, laws are passed that are not funded, U.S. labor is weak, we are importing 60% of our oil and that is increasing, the oil industry has managed to have just enough refinery capacity to rake in huge profits, the stock market is over valued, our congress doesn't represent U.S. citizens, our government has ignored food and consumer safety in favor of corporate profits, and a host of other problems I can't think of at the moment.
The one question is, who has the brains, the judgment, leadership, balance, and ethics that is needed to solve our problems? Our candidates have made a lot of promises, held up their credentials, professed honesty--but do they really let you know who they are, who they represent, who they hobnob with?


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