Friday, June 08, 2007

Failed Immigration Legislation

Some blame the Right Wing for scuttling Immigration Legislation but in truth the effort was just another scam on the American people perpetrated by dishonest and greedy legislators and their backers. I'm about as middle of the road as you can get and I am dead against Amnesty or anything that is near it.

The dishonest arguments are: you can't round up 12 million aliens and ship them home; and to do so would cost billions of dollars, and forcing people back over the borders would split families up and would be inhumane, you can't enforce ID programs now without biometric IDs, it isn't the job of employers to enforce verification of their employees. All of these are bogus arguments. Most aliens would return on their own if and when employers would be required to follow the existing laws about hiring employees. If an employee is born other than in the U.S., speaks very little English, doesn't have a valid work history, doesn't know U.S. history I would think an employer would question the validity of green cards and social security numbers. I don't see how families could be split up if they were returned to their own countries or they decided to go back because of lack of employment. And IDs are easy to check. A phone call to social security is all that is necessary--simple questions of birth date, place of birth, the year the card was given out, how many persons are using the card etc. would soon find a person out. All that info is readily available and the social security administration should be checking for fraud, which should be taking care of the problem of aliens and others from using bogus social security numbers and IDs.
It is obvious that the legislators trying to perpetrate this scam on the American people have been doing so unethically--by trying to legislate without conferences, in such a short time so as to avoid debate, is grounds for being voted out next time around--or by recall much sooner.
Our government is broke and that means that if any sort of crisis happens we are ripe for revolution or worse, fascism. We are already suffering from radical conservatism, controlled by corporations and big time religion. It is not the first time corporations and religion had such power over politics. It is never a pretty picture. Fortunately most of the time the pendulum swings back, but with difficulty.


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