Immigration Debate: Euphamisms and Emotional Appeals
As of yet I have yet to hear a decent rational argument from the pro-"comprehensive immigration reform" side: just euphemisms and emotional appeals and other such fallacious argumentation. Examples:
1) Inhumane separation of children from their parents.
2) Uprooting children from their parents, friends, schools, communities.
3) Government inhumane treatment of parents and children.
4) Illegal aliens being deprived of their immigration "rights".
5) Hardships endured by the illegal aliens in their efforts to enter the U.S.
6) Illegal aliens are "hard-working" people.
7) Illegal aliens "want" to be U.S. citizens so should be allowed to be.
8) Illegal aliens "want" a better life for themselves and their children.
9) Illegal aliens "strengthen" the U.S.
10) Using the word "comprehensive" instead of "amnesty".
11) You can't deport 12-20 million illegal aliens so make them legal by passing a "comprehensive immigration reform" law.
John McCain is trying to make a dishonest representation of the last statement by saying that "you can't "jail" 12 million illegals: so, then the only recourse is to make them legal." And he wants to be President after using such a dishonest statement and a grossly fallacious argument?
I sure wouldn't vote for him.
What bothers me the most about this whole issue is the complacency of our press, TV, etc. to the blatant acceptance of anarchy that is taking place and the refusal of the government to enforce its own laws.
Illegal aliens are coming here for one basic reason: jobs. Jobs being offered by private as well as corporate employers. Without jobs available to the illegal aliens there is nothing for them to come for. Dry up the jobs and the problem solves itself for the most part. We have created our own problem; by following the temptation of greed. At the same time we are depriving our own citizens a decent wage by hiring workers used to working for less in their own countries.
Besides the great injustice being done to and by illegal aliens we resort to dishonesty in our discourse to solve the problem. Euphemisms, fallacious argumentation, outright use of propaganda techniques in order to push through laws that are not beneficial to the American people. Americans are on the whole a humane and charitable people and these traits are being abused by self-serving special interest groups. Already 2 million aliens a year enter our country due to our open armed charity. Not everyone in the world can live the American good-life, which is being threatened at every quarter because of our dwindling resources and world competition for those resources. We need a reality check and a moratorium. At the moment our country is fragmenting because we are moving too fast on issues that require analysis and consensus.
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