Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dems Playing Politics? Oh My!

Bush claims that the Democrats are playing politics regarding the flap over the firing of Attorney Generals. The claim appears to match one of Websters definition of "politics", namely being "artful and devious". However the Democrats have a point in demanding that Carl Rove and Company testify under oath, with transcripts, in public--it is called "accountability": a concept new to this White House. Of course the White House doesn't want transcripts made--they want to fall back on the old argument of not remembering what was said during the "interview", if by chance they were caught up in a lie.

I for one want to see "Ol' Teflon Carl" pinned down and made to tell the truth for a change. I'm still waiting to see him fired for "leaking" out the identity of a CIA agent, as promised by Bush. Actions speak louder than words--something to remember in the choice for candidates in the upcoming Presidential election. The candidates are well versed in saying what people want to hear. Their real test should be their actions. Have they represented the average American? Or have they been representing those who line their pockets or get them votes?

We voted in an Administration that has done very little for the average American, got us into a questionable war, cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, and besmirched the U.S.;s good name--for why? Because WE were bewitched by words not deeds. The Press is partly, but not totally, to blame. It is about time that we "pick" our own candidates rather than have "stars" paraded before our eyes like models on a runway. Why should Parties dictate to the American public who they vote for? How about writing in who we want for President? It seems a little arrogant that someone announces themselves as being "worthy" to be our President.

I nominate David Gergen to be a candidate to run for President. Who better suited to be President?