Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Juaruxw Department VS Border Patrol

It would seem by the facts slowly percolating out of court records that the Administration, through its proxy the Justice Department run by a descendant of an illegal alien (based on his own words of being not clear as to his grandfathers immigration status) Ernesto Gonzales, set out to "punish" any border patrol agents who enforced immigration laws with due diligence.

The Justice Department gave immunity to an admitted drug dealer who was engaged in moving a large shipment of marijuana at the time of his being shot while trying to escape apprehension.

It seems that the Justice Department has done its best to punish law officers and reward drug dealers. One could ask "what war on drugs"? A war is where shots are fired is it not? Does the government usually give amnesty to the enemy and put its soldiers in the brig? My play on words is about as logical as the government's efforts to shot itself in the foot.

The Democrats response, or lack of response, clearly shows just where they stand regarding standing up for law enforcement. It brings up the question "who do Democrats represent"? Clearly it does not seem to be the average American, or what is called the Middle Class.
