Children of Men
Saw the whateveryoucallit about "Children of Men" a futuristic movie in the time frame of the year 2027 I believe it was. The commercial was so cut up that it was hard to follow but what I did get was that children were no longer being conceived and the hope for mankind was in a black woman's being pregnant. Other scenes were everyone running around trying to keep from being caught and shipped back to their country of origin--an obvious propaganda attempt to legitimize illegal immigration now taking place in the U.S. and elsewhere. What garbage!
Seems like the ultra liberals could come up with better than this movie to further their agenda to save the poor and unfortunates in the world; at the expense of the Middle Class of the world: since the poor don't pay into government coffers and the Super rich get tax deductions and whatever thanks to their lackeys in government and K Street.
The subject should have been about how our fast dwindling supply of oil is going to cause major hurt on the economy, disrupt commerce in the world, cause major famine, create chaos, and a general collapse of our technological civilization. Without oil we don't function--back to hoes and shovels, which in time will be made by hand--if we can still produce coal and iron by hand. Anyone remember how to plow with horses?
Already my predictions about the Chinese gobbling up energy resources are coming true. Iran and Saudi Arabia have the most oil still in the world and our machinations in the region has not endeared us with either, though for the moment the Saudis see us still as benefactors. China and Russia will play both sides against the middle and everyone in the end will lose. The U.S. is fast finding itself between a rock and a hard place because it is too slow in finding solutions to long standing problems. Our government reacts only after a situation is near or in full crisis. Then too there is too much money from corporations influencing our government.
Since our major corporations have gone global they are going in the direction of where the money is and that does not bode well for American workers--who have always been in competition for the profit dollar. Better the dollar be in some CEO's pocket than in a worker's; not so?
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