Thursday, December 21, 2006

Do Heroes Lie?

Last night I watched an interview on CNN with General Cody and he was implicitly and explicitly stating that our troops were fighting "a war on terror", specifically in Iraq.
Fact: there is no more terrorists in Iraq than there is in Syria, Lebanon, and Iran and would not be even if we left. Al-Qaida isn't loved by other Arabs any more than they are by us. Those fighting against American troops now for the most part are trying to drive us out of there homeland and the only means of doing that, since they have no standing army or air force, is to use guerrilla tactics against us; which we label "terrorist tactics".
The Administration and its supporters in the Pentagon have waged an unethical Propaganda campaign, for some obscure goal, against the American people so that they can carry out war in the Middle East and elsewhere.
The "War on Terror" is a great campaign slogan but its real goal is to beef up the Military Complex in the U.S. (Follow the Money) The Military hardly ever turns a gift horse or golden goose away so they are happy to play the Administration's game. Generals after all are not Generals unless they can command a certain number of troops; and in our case they need to keep the Big Lies going to keep recruitment up. Who after all would call a hero a liar? Generals, with all those ribbons, are after all heroes are they not?
So everyone, including the Press, plays the game of hyping the troops as heroes, calling a mistake a part of the War on Terror, and calling for more people to sacrifice their kids for no real purpose.