Friday, December 08, 2006

Glenn Beck's Version of the Israeli--Arab Conflict

Last night Glenn Beck gave a cartoon version of the history of the Israeli-Arab conflict--which was nothing more than disinformation--not for what it did reveal, but for what it did not reveal. I am not against the Israelis or other Jews; I am in fact somewhat sympathetic regarding their struggles, however, if there is to be any solution to the Israeli-Arab conflict some impartiality must be observed and that requires an honest historical appraisal.
Before and right after WWI there were an estimated 23,000 Jews living in the Palestine region; and many more than that of Arabs. Palestine was promised to the Arabs by the British, who were protectorates of that region after WWI.
Zionist Jews had other plans for the region and began immigrating from all over the world to greater Palestine. Their increasing numbers, and subsequent efforts to take over Palestine, created hostility, not only by the Arabs but also by the British who were making an effort to keep their promise to the Arabs. Remember "Lawrence of Arabia"?
In 1929 a major Kibbutz was attacked by the Arabs and the Jews began a counter program of terrorist bombings--not only against the Arabs but later against the British. Many people were killed over time. After WWII the British went against their word and divided Palestine up to form a Jewish state. The U.N. gave their blessing and an Arab-Israeli conflict was the result; which is still going on.
There are no heroes or villains just people caught up in nationalism and religious ideologies. Any side that outsiders take is bound to be the wrong side and one hard to defend. The history of the conflict is hardly a cartoon matter as Glenn Beck and CNN seem to think it is.