Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kerry--The Perfect Strawman?

Strawman fallacy--when an arguer's (Kerry) position is misrepresented by being misquoted, exaggerated, or otherwise distorted. Kerry said that anyone who studies, works hard in school will do well, if not they might end up stuck in Iraq. He was talking to college students, not potential troops; for we don't have a draft. He didn't mention troops in any way. Those who misunderstood what Kerry was talking about must think the troops are stuck in Iraq? The last time I heard troops rotated after 12 to 18 months, so I would say they are not "stuck" in a literal sense--being somewhere where they shouldn't be is a good candidate for being stuck however. If anyone should apologize for their comments it should be those who misinterpreted what Kerry said. I understood right away that Kerry meant G.W. Bush as being the one who hasn't done much reading of history, anthropology, philosophy and the like and is figuratively speaking "stuck" in Iraq. Anyone who misinterpreted Kerry to mean that our troops are ignorant and dumb and stuck in Iraq should analyze their own thinking processes and abilitities for there was nothing in the setting and what he said that would, or should, lead anyone to think that he was talking about our troops; especially when you consider that he himself was an officer in the military.