Oil Prices and Who's Behind Them?
The oil prices start coming down and OPEC then decides to create an oil shortage. Who says the oil companies don't control oil prices? People start cutting back and conserving their consumption and we then have plenty of oil and Chaney has the audacity to say that oil conservation doesn't work? Who are the oil speculators who keep bidding up the price of oil anyway? Who are they as individuals I mean? What are their connections and how do they fit in the scheme of things. The devil is in the details they say and I believe them, whoever the them is. I know we, the People, are getting jacked-up, I just don't have all the facts to make a good case. Bush, the oil man, kissing up to and holding hands with Arabs who on the one hand give money to the families of suicide bombers and on the other hand hold back on oil to keep the prices high, makes me wonder about our sanity, if not our judgement. Bush was making the case about Saddam being a terrorist because Saddam was giving money to the families of suicide bombers, all the while holding hands with Saudis who were also giving money to suicide bomber's families. Am I missing something here? How come our ever watchful media hasn't picked up on that, amongst the many other quirks in this Administration's logic.
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