Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Are We Fighting WWIII?

Its hard to tell what is going on--do we have a civil war in Iraq or not? Is Iran going for broke and trying to build the bomb? Is our President and Administration the new face of Fascism? Is the U.S. being squeezed by the Third World? Is Islam at war with the West? Is the West at war with Islam? Is Islam violent at heart or benevolent? Or is it, like Christianity, schizoid--both violent and benevolent? Any one or all together of these questions could provide the answer originally asked--are we fighting WWIII? I would make a guess and say we are on the brink, what with our disturbing presence in Iraq and the recent flare-up in Lebanon. There are those who have the means, on both sides of the issue, that are moving us, by rhetoric and deeds, in that direction; towards WWIII. If measures are not taken, like a U.S. withdrawal from the Middle East and some diplomatic intervention in the Arab-Israeli problem, the world will soon be in chaos and engaged in WWIII. No one will win, for the Arabs will lose their oil revenues and facilities, and the West will lose their access to oil and much much more. It is now the time for some hard hard thinking and diplomacy.


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