Al Qaida is Winning--Big Time
When you consider that the "War on Terror" is going to exceed 1 Trillion dollars in no time at all and that we are quickly losing our freedoms because of an over reaction of an arrogant administration and a chief executive's paranoia, one would have to conclude that Al-Qaida has exceeded its wildest dreams as a result of the 9/11 attack. What should have been a common sense reaction to the attack?
Locking cockpit doors, air marshals, security at airports, reasonable and lawful communications between intelligence agencies and law enforcement are obviously the right actions to take; and are the actions that were taken for the most part. Examining every container coming into the U.S. for nuclear material or bombs seems over-kill when you consider how difficult it is to make a nuclear bomb or obtain nuclear material and how unreliable and difficult aiming a shipping container at some target is. "Nuclear" seems to be more of a rhetorical gimmick than a reality. Like "aluminum tubes" and bug carrying "drones". On the one hand the administration spends billions of dollars on a war and taking measures to take away our basic freedoms then on the other hand allows millions of foreign nationals to cross our borders and do whatever they want in our country. Then there are the "other" questions.
Where is all the money going? Who are the contractors, suppliers, manufacturers that are benefiting from all the money being spent on the war on terror and how much have they contributed to campaign funds?
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