Cut and Run
The Republicans are continually trying to "embarrass" the Democrats with the slogan "Cut and Run" and no one has so far flung it back in the Republicans faces--so I will, though I'm not a Democrat but an Independent.
Cut, I would think, implies a quick slash at an enemy, then lacking the courage to receive a counter from the enemy, runs away. I would say that engaging the "enemy" for three years, taking now 2800 deaths, and 20,000 plus wounded is much more than a "cut". How long is any people and country expected to engage an "enemy"? How many billions, and maybe trillions, of dollars are expected to be spent? Some situations are not winnable, no matter how much courage and money a country is willing to spend in that pursuit. Then there are those who are still fighting the Vietnam war--such as Representative Hunter, who never misses the opportunity to label others because they aren't as militantly patriotic as he would like everyone to believe he is. He is obviously unbalanced but because he is so aggressive in the expression of his ideology no one wants to confront him. There is a time and place for super patriots but the floor of Congress is not one of them. Passion is one thing but blind zealotry is another. It does not serve the "people" well.
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