Wednesday, December 06, 2006

More On Amnesty etc.

As I've said before "illegal immigration" is not immigration--it is akin to "squatting", or taking over land and possessions by adverse possession; i.e. taking possession by physically placing oneself on someone else's land, without their permission or invitation. The Democrats are collusionists in this process; i.e. aiders and abettors. The Democrats have used all sorts of emotional appeals to advance these squatters program, appeals which are fallacious through and through. Emotional appeals are designed to shut down people's thought processes. Emotional appeals are part and parcel of Propaganda, which is a program of disinformation.
Take the "virtual fence" issue. We all tend to think that technology is the miracle cure for everything. Put up cameras, sensors, infra-red devices, computer systems, communications, all the gimmicks and the illegal immigration will go away. Not!
For one thing watching someone jump the border does little to stop people from jumping the border. People and real barriers stop people from jumping borders--most of them anyway. It takes people on the spot to apprehend border jumpers. A camera or sensor just lets someone, maybe, know that the border has been crossed at a certain location.
Remember all those pictures on our TV sets showing groups of border jumpers crossing into the U.S.? Were they picked up? No one ever says. Multiply those pictures by the thousands and you have an idea of the problem with "virtual fences". Democrats arguments is nothing more than "virtual reality", rhetorical smoke and mirrors. They take the public for granted. They assume that we believe that they have "good" intentions; that they will keep their word. Not!
I watched the lines grow in 1986 as many thousands of illegal immigrants took advantage of the amnesty program--then watched over the intervening years as illegal aliens have taken over our country--all because the government broke its promise to us--the people. Now I hear and see the same crime being perpetrated by the very same people. Then--shame on you. Now--shame on us!
