So They Want to be President
Hillary Clinton--represents the elite rather than the Middle Class, great rhetoric but she lost me when she thought we should be "good Samaritans" and give amnesty to the ten to twenty million border jumpers and squatters now illegally in this country. Clearly she doesn't represent the Middle Class in this country. Guiliani? He lost my vote when he called a semi-automatic pistol an "assault pistol"; when it was used by some deranged individual to shoot up the Empire State building. Clearly he is "a New Yorker" and doesn't represent the Middle Class. McCain? When he stabbed John F. Kerry in the back regarding the joke about "Bush stuck in Iraq" he clearly showed further his lack of ethics. He is in my mind still tainted by the Savings and Loan Scandal. Another point against him is his slavish loyalty to the "Party". Parties can be wrong--like about Iraq for instance. Kerry? Too much of a lightning rod. He is too much of a stereotype and has a tendency to make it worse--he has some good ideas but his favoring going into Iraq shows a lack of judgement. Gore? If he would get serious and get someone to ride herd on what he says he would be a great candidate. One of the best speeches I ever heard was the speech he gave giving Bush the Presidency. It was serious, well written, and delivered. If he had had that presence during the debates we wouldn't be in Iraq right now.
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