Thursday, November 16, 2006

U.S. In Iraq--Blind leading the Blind?

I watched with interest General Abazaid's testimony before Congress, especially his comments that the U.S. military will not provide security in Iraq, but will train Iraqis to do so. That is like the blind leading the blind--since we haven't succeeded in securing Iraq how are we to show the Iraqis how to provide security? Numbers alone won't do it it seems since we have 140,000 troops there now and the Iraqis now have 350,000 trained troops--that is nearly half a million troops. With a good plan that ought to be enough to deal with the insurgents and provide law and order. Something is clearly wrong and the "wrong" is obviously "the Plan". As it is "the horse got behind the cart" somehow. The proper plan would have been to provide security first, then transfer political control--not transfer political control, then try to establish security.
It is our obligation, because we invaded their country, to provide security--enough at least that their government can do the rest. So far they never had enough security to be able to govern their own country. Letting militiamen to roam the streets at will is letting everyone know that the government isn't in charge of the country--and that the U.S. lacks the will to confront them.
The mess we are in in Iraq is one of our own making and we don't have a clue as how to solve it.