Monday, November 13, 2006

How Long Does Israel Have?

Kofi Annan just stated the obvious--the Israeli-Arab conflict is what is driving the problems of the Middle East and elsewhere; and the United States is right in the middle of it all. Israel can't keep it up forever--the Arabs birth rate alone will swamp the Israelis right out of office. The Israelis have so far been able to maintain their style of democracy by restricting and limiting the Arab vote but that can't last forever; nor can Israel depend on the U.S. to continue to finance Israel forever. The U.S. itself is facing some serious problems, such as oil depletion, over-population, shipping jobs overseas, importing cheap labor, discouraging its own citizens by limiting high paying jobs, lack of educational opportunities--and the list goes on. Government and corporate corruption is also a serious problem, threatening entrepreneurship and retirees pensions. Out of control government spending is another serious problem. Someone is going to be stuck with the bill. Spend and borrow is more of a problem than tax and spend for when you borrow interest on the debt adds to the debt. What with all these problems coming home to roost something has got to give and Israel may have to shift for itself before too long. When will that be? My calculations are that the world will be out of economically obtainable oil by 2025. The U.S. will be out by 2015. When that happens it will be every man for himself.