Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Amnesty--Big Mistake!

I don't know what the Democrats hope to gain by pushing an amnesty program down people's throats, but if they do I for one will not, I say again, not vote for Democrats again. At least as long as they represent everyone except the average American.
There are no real moral grounds for them to use in arguing for amnesty. Those who are here are not here to become Americans but are here for economic reasons and are doing everything in their power to subvert our way of life. Not in the sense that terrorists are but just as effectively. They are destroying the American way of life. Most "immigrants" often referred to chose to come here legally, following custom--not jumping our borders and squatting on our land, all the while demonstrating for "their rights". They do not have "rights"; they are here illegally. The rights they do have are "right to due process", with deportation or prison as the end result of that process.
Arguments that proponents of Amnesty use are distorted and are basically emotional appeals that are fallacious in nature.
Governor Richardson's argument that deporting an alien mother would make an orphan of her "anchor" child is fallacious. She could go back to Mexico, with her child, and send her child to American schools, just like thousands of others are doing now. Failing that, he could go to a Mexican school, like thousands of other Mexican children are doing. I don't feel Americans should be responsible of the result of her sneaking over the border, like thousands of others, to have children in this country to take advantage of our law that states that anyone born in this country is automatically a citizen. About time for a change--retroactively to 1986.
The law should be changed to read "anyone born to a parent, residing in this country legally, shall be given the opportunity to become a citizen." That would discourage Mexican mothers to be from using our laws against us.
The amnesty proposers keep saying "we can't ship everyone back to where they come from so we will solve the problem by making everyone citizens". Anytime a solution is all solving you can automatically deduce that it is a "pseudo-solution". In other words there is no such thing as a magic wand.
To get by counter arguments the amnesty proposers, like in 1986, say this will solve not knowing who is here and will solve the future problem of illegal immigration by creating a "virtual" fence, and creating a large bureaucracy in order to take care of all the promises made "not to create a carte blanche amnesty program". What a nightmare!
A virtual fence. You still have to have manpower to catch those penetrating the "virtual" fence. They have to be strategically placed so as to apprehend border jumpers and smugglers. So you are right back to manning the fence--why then make the fence virtual?
Then the bureaucracy of it all. Billions and billions of dollars spent on maintaining a farce--of course everyone knows it will be side lined by not funding the program; just like all the promises made in the 1986 program.
So, the Democrats should think about what they in truth are really doing. For every vote gained by amnesty is one vote lost by independents, conservatives, and moderates.
