Saturday, February 17, 2007

What! Me Worry?

Why worry about global warming, greenhouse gases, the environment, illegal aliens and what else? Humans insist on folly when it is obvious reason would do.

Take energy for instance. Since 1855 the U.S. has used up its 200 billion barrel reserves and a quarter of the world's reserves and continues to guzzle whats left. Now others have been fast tracking their economies with the same stuff, aping the U.S. formula for success. The guzzling goes on at a 1.25 percent exponential rate plus matching population growth. As supplies become tighter, due to less retrievable oil, competition for the stuff increases creating tensions and higher prices; all the while oil producers sit back and dictate terms. The U.S. uses 7 billion barrels of oil per year and has an estimated oil reserve of 21 billion, which is being added to at a 1:9 ratio--one added per nine barrels consumed. Conservative estimates indicate the world will consume its retrievable oil in less than 25 years. But the problem is shortages, due to the difficulty of supplying large amounts of oil in a given time, like putting out a fire with a garden hose, and interruptions, due to politics and war, will add to the problem of supply.

So, I don't worry too much about Brazil's rain forests, or global warming--nature takes care of its own. When there is no more oil the chain saws will stop and the factories will shut down, and cars and other vehicles will become rust piles. Maybe then the frogs will be heard again.