Monday, April 09, 2007

Immigration--White Man's Burden?

I use the term "White Man" to mean the average middle class American, which so far by numbers are of European descent.

Since immigrants today are of non-European descent, when you count those jumping our borders, the burden they represent falls on those who are supporting our government; namely the middle class American.

Those supporting immigration, in particular illegal immigrants, argue that immigration is good for America, that immigrants pay for the benefits they receive through taxes. As I have stated before there is no way taxes they pay reimburse Americans for all the services and wear and tear on our infrastructure. In fact spending money to find and return them to their countries would be cost effective; saving Americans many millions of dollars in services, as well as preserving our wages; wages needed for Americans to live on. I will repeat this--Americans would save themselves money by finding illegals in this country and sending them back. Enforcing our laws against employers who are hiring illegals and fining them would do much to solve the problem for enforcement would remove the attraction to the illegals and make it impossible for them to live here. Fining employers would help finance the operation, much more so than fining illegals $1,500, that is being proposed as part of the comprehensive immigration plan.

The plans being proposed now by our representatives and the Administration are farces. No one is putting forth a plan to solve the problem. What is being done is just another attack on the Middle Class in America. Unless Americans wise up and demand representation our government will limp along working behind our backs for their, or special interest, benefit.

For an example of what is going on harken back to 1986 to the Immigration Plan enacted as a "Comprehensive Immigration Plan" to bring out all the illegal immigrants, punish employers, and control the border. It didn't happen then, and it won't happen this time. It is one of many lies told to the American Public by lying politicians who have no interest in representing Americans.