Is It Amnesty?
George Bush and others have said the proposed immigration is not amnesty because it requires a fine being paid and a long wait before they will be considered for citizenship. However, after legalization, which comes almost immediately, the fine and wait will soon be considered a hardship and a small fine, if any, will be imposed instead, and the time will be shortened considerably. Besides the fine and time issue the mere act of legalizing illegal aliens is in effect amnesty for the definition does not stipulate requirements; only that crimes be forgotten. A legal term, not a moral, or ethical one.
Why do I think that the fine and time will be ignored? Because that has been the pattern that has existed since 1986--requirements and legislation enforcing the 1986 law was ignored, circumvented, and every other dodge known to man employed to allow more cheap labor to work and stay in this country. Actions speak louder than words and our governments actions speak out loudly that their are forces at work undermining the working middle class of the U.S.
The main goals of this administration regarding immigration legislation is to legalize illegal aliens residing, and those who will come later, in this country; the legalization of these illegal aliens will in turn "legalize" thousands of employers; letting them off the hook from persecution--all the while providing them with cheap labor legally. This dodge is not being pointed out as of yet--legalizing illegal employers; meat packers, farming, fast food outlets, department stores, gas stations, manufacturers of all kinds, and the list goes on.
After the main goal is achieved, legalizing illegal aliens, the fence, border guards, employer enforcement, fines, background checks, and non-forge able IDs will be unenforced, and like the 1986 bill, will be forgotten--until, in the near future, we have some 30 million illegal aliens in this country. By then it will be too late to enforce anything because our heritage will have been ground under foot by aliens who have little interest in U.S. history.
This administration has a track record of not following through with promises made--look at New Orleans--George Bush made emotional speeches promising a quick response to help rebuild. That didn't happen, just like the many other promises he has made.
Our government can't be trusted. That is a fact and no one we vote for seems to get the message--we the people are the ones to be represented--not moneyed special interests.
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