CNN's Rick Sanchez' Piece on Illegal Immigrants
Last night I watched CNN's Rick Sanchez's show about the plight and "truth" about illegal immigrants in the U.S. and it typically was full of stereotypes and cliches. Americans wont work in the fields and fish factories so immigrants are needed to do jobs Americans wont take. What Rick Sanchez failed to reveal were jobs taken from Americans in meat packing plants, where once wages were respectable. The question of why Americans wont take certain jobs was not investigated very well. Is it the difficulty of the job the reason why Americans wont take certain jobs or is it because employers have circumvented hiring American workers over time and Americans wont try applying for such jobs because hispanic contractors seek out hispanic workers? Growers use contractors to provide workers.
Rick Sanchez's piece was a narrow investigation ignoring the fact that a respectable percentage of illegal immigrants are criminals. I'm not referring to the criminality regarding document fraud and the criminal act of illegally entering this country but of the serious crimes of stealing, robbing, assault, and murder done by illegal aliens.
Amnesty proponents shy far away from the negative aspects of illegal aliens present in this country, stressing the "plight" of poor "immigrants" bent on feeding themselves and their families. Rick Sanchez also shied away from the extra costs of immigration enforcement, medical services, and other public services that are required to deal with the problem of illegal immigration. It was not an honest in-depth treatment.
He also didn't cover the fact that most Americans have gotten so fat and lazy that they don't want the difficult jobs. He should have interviewed more business owners who would have most certainly said that Hispanics are VERY hard workers who don't stop unless they are told to, while American workers want a 15 minut breal every hour.
Mouse(10:59 PM) Of course they don't stop unless they're told to, they are lawbreakers in fear of being jailed and deported. If they ever managed to obtain legal residency they would immediately start working like the average american only they would have been reassured by that time that crime pays and no doubt would continue with their lawbreaking ways. Legal residents and citizens of the U.S. are some of the hardest working people in the world. Rick Sanchez is racially biased and it shows. If you want honest reporting, watch Lou Dobbs.
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