Saturday, October 06, 2007

If You Build a 12 Foot Fence?

If you build a 12 foot fence they'll use a 13 foot ladder. Bill Richardson, Democratic candidate for President, uses this cliche to argue against building a wall, or fence, to help control border incursions by Mexicans and other Latinos, and possibly Arab terrorists. So far I have not seen anyone rebut his weak argument. Common sense should slap any rational being in the face with its farcical logic--three million yearly cross our southern border; for sake of argument we'll divide that number by 10, that is 300,000 ladders carried to remote spots in the desert; to be left leaning against the fence for all to see where aliens crossed over. If ladders are used repeatedly at the same location that point becomes known and the border guards have an easy time intercepting border jumpers and others. Thirteen foot ladders, made of wood, are heavy objects and when you consider that border transgressors are probably carrying water, food, and clothing that is cumbersome load to have to get to and over a tall fence. Then there is a 12 foot drop to contend with--unless of course two ladders are brought to cross over.
Bill Richardson also contends building a fence would be an embarrassment--how much of an embarrassment is there when 12 to 20 million illegal aliens demand citizenship all the while thumbing their noses at our laws and law enforcement efforts? Our government and laws are material for foreign comedy skits. Our government is little more than a bunch of con artists; conning those who elected them into office. Our "comprehensive immigration legislation of 1986" gave 3 million illegal aliens amnesty, which was the real goal of the legislation, and enforcement, which was to prevent further illegal immigration, was ignored for years. The public was conned. Border control and employer enforcement never was implemented as promised. So much for "comprehensive immigration".
You can be sure of one thing--anything that would work would somehow be shelved, not funded, challenged later, or ignored. The whole issue flies in the face of logic and reason. Proponents of so-called "comprehensive immigration" are emotionally based, dishonest, self-serving, and non-rational. I have yet to see an honest, logical, and rational valid argument presented by any proponent of so-called "comprehensive immigration". No one will either.



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