Spitzer--An Example of Things to Come?
Governor of New York Elliot Spitzer's plunge into the illegal immigration issue is arrogant, foolhardy, and against the wishes of the majority of those polled in New York--a whopping 72%. What does this portends for the future? Hillary, Obama, and Giuliani have already expressed their views on illegal immigration--amnesty for 12 to 20 million illegal aliens; despite the wishes of the majority of Americans. They are literally saying "screw you America, we are going ahead and give out citizenship to illegal aliens whether you like it or not!" Their previous effort in the mid-80's just exasperated the situation; drawing in many millions more illegal aliens and institutionalizing criminal behavior to the point that illegal aliens feel they have a "right to gain citizenship through work ethic". So far for 650,000 criminal detainees "work ethic" has been "criminal ethic". No telling how many more uncaught illegal aliens fall into the category of "professional criminals". The majority of illegal aliens fall into the category of "criminals" because they engage in labor and social security fraud; i.e., they use false documents and someone else's social security numbers to obtain jobs or social services. But back to the original thought of what will happen after this next Presidential election based on actions of recently elected politicians such as Spitzer.
The issue of amnesty should be a good clue on how a politician will act after they are elected. Hillary is expounding about representing the "middle-class" if she is elected. Yeah, sure--like giving amnesty to millions of illegal aliens is representing the middle-class. What about energy? Is America's depleting energy sources going to be addressed, or are the politicians going to continue to give oil companies and other corporations preferential treatment at the expense of most Americans? America is hanging precariously at the edge of a cliff energy wise--we are importing over 60% of our oil and only have about 22 billion barrels of oil reserves--we use over 7 billion barrels of oil a year--that means if all other sources of oil were shut down we would have three years before it was all gone--if we could produce it at a rate of consumption; which is impossible.
The government should be developing coal-based synthetic oil to replace our dependency on foreign oil. The government has billions of tons of coal located on public lands, which could be developed for public use. South Africa produces oil from coal, so why can't the U.S.?
Politicians, such as Hillary and Giuliani, have fine-tuned their message so as to avoid answering explicitly their intentions regarding such issues as energy, gun control, abortion, amnesty, etc. You notice not one of the candidates answers a question posed to them straight forwardly--they go off onto tangents and finally, if at all, give a watered down answer, which by then the question is forgotten?
I shudder at the thought of any one of these candidates winning the Presidential election--an even greater shudder at the thought of any one party winning the House, Senate, and the Presidency.
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