Friday, November 16, 2007

It's All Lou Dobb's Fault

The proponents of amnesty for illegal aliens (euphemistically called Comprehensive Immigration Reform) are blaming their lack of popularity on Lou Dobbs; because of his daily scrutiny of their propaganda. That is all their "arguments" are, propaganda. You know he is having some success when he receives mention in a national debate such as was held last night in Las Vegas. I made up a list of their "arguments" for amnesty in my blog of November l, 2007. Their "arguments" are really propaganda ploys. Lets list them again followed by what type of ploy or ploys they are.

l. Illegal aliens should be given amnesty because it is the "humane" thing to do. This is really an appeal to sympathy and not an argument. Why should anyone receive citizenship, before others, just because we feel sorry for them? It is also a non sequitur. Does it make sense to enact legislation which gives blanket amnesty to hard working individuals and gang members alike?

2. Illegal aliens should be given amnesty because they work hard? This is an appeal to sympathy and a non sequitur.

3. that they will come out of the shadows. Propaganda slogan, a catch phrase. Doesn't really address the problem of illegal aliens, most of which would not be eligible for immigration into this country and would not normally be given a visa. This point is glossed over and if the argument were extended the propaganda ploy "card-stacking" would be applied.

4. The solution to immigration is to enact "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". A generalization which will offer a grand solution to the problem. A similar plan was enacted in 1986, which did not "solve" the problem, instead it exacerbated the problem. "Card stacking", a propaganda ploy which addresses some elements of the proposal and hides other elements.

5. "The Comprehensive Immigration Reform" is not "amnesty" because illegal aliens must pay a fine, learn English, have background checks, and pay back taxes. Card stacking. A lot of information is left out; such as, how much would the program cost to implement, who would oversee the program, how could back taxes and criminal activity be investigated, etc.?

6. Immigration should not be enforced because enforcement is traumatic to children. An appeal to sympathy and pity. The government does not hold back enforcement on other crimes and would not ordinarily establish precedent, of not enforcing immigration law, based on whether or not the illegal immigrant may have children.

7. Anyone who wants immigration laws enforced is a "racist". Propaganda ploy name-calling and labeling. I noticed recently that Lou Dobbs picture was displayed on a placard dressed in an SS Uniform. Demonizing the opposition is another propaganda ploy.

8. Illegal aliens are "law abiding". Card stacking. Some are, some aren't. The truth is that many working in the U.S. have obtained and are using bogus Social Security numbers, drivers licenses, etc. Many are dealing in drugs, are smugglers, and are gang members.

9. Illegal immigrants "deserve" amnesty because they have been "exploited" by U.S. employers. An appeal to sympathy. Card stacking as well. Again some may have been exploited, others not. Should all be given amnesty because some have been exploited?

10. Bill Richardson and others like to use the slogan--"Build a 12 foot fence and an illegal will build a 13 foot ladder". Card stacking and sloganizing. A non sequitur. Who is going to build and carry a 13 foot ladder over miles of desert etc.?

I can't see much in the way of "arguments" for amnesty here and would have to conclude there are few valid arguments for amnesty out there.



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