America For Americans
I was going to title this blog as "Prescription For Disaster". I have been scrutinizing our potential Presidential candidates and all I see is a train wreck about to happen. Some offer no change to our present course; in fact they are worse. Others such as Hillary and Obama want to give away America to 12 to 20 million squatters, and many more who will certainly be encouraged to follow. Their logic I fail to see. It would seem that Americans would value their sovereignty and citizenship and not give it away so cavalierly as both the Democrats and Republicans seem to want to do. Thirty pieces of silver comes to mind.
No commentator, debate host, pundit has asked them the basis for their arguments favoring amnesty. They are ignoring existing laws, they are trivializing the economic and political ramifications of giving citizenship to so many foreign nationals, and again there is more fragmenting of American traditions and values. It is said that 38% of the American population is foreign born. Even now our political system is being threatened by foreign nationalism; i.e., the Latino vote in the West and other States favoring Amnesty for illegal Latinos. Do we want to have Latinos in our face for years to come and become a satellite of Mexico?
The concept of foreign nationals breaking our laws and then flaunting that fact in our faces doesn't seem to bother Hillary, Obama, and both Johns. They embrace them in fact with open arms, despite what the majority of Americans wish. In fact Hillary has gone on to say there is no such thing as an "illegal woman", or "illegal man": and she is a lawyer and Presidential hopeful? A person who would swear to uphold the Constitution and our laws! Yeah, sure.
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